Homeschooling Only One
and other works/products
Scroll down for details on both my book, Homeschooling Only One and my booklet, Take Me to the Book Fair!
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Take Me to the Book Fair!
You may be new to homeschooling and have never been to a Homeschool Book & Curriculum Fair or Convention. It can be a bit intimidating and overwhelming. I have written a booklet to give you helpful hints on how to have a successful experience. See details directly below. NOW, available in both print and PDF formats!

1-9 booklets ~ $3 each including postage
10+ booklets ~ $2.50 each including postage
Texas residents add sales tax to your total.
For sending a check see address below.
Take Me to the Book Fair! is a little booklet to take with you as you go to your own local Book Fair and Convention. If you are new to homeschooling or have never been to a Book Fair, this will walk you through your Book Fair experience, with helpful tips to carry with you as you go. Includes contact information for 18 different home school suppliers. (Needs to be updated on some of the suppliers; new edition will be printed later this year.)
Convenient 4¼” x 5½” size
Cardstock cover & back with a total of 16 pages to easily slip into a pocket, book bag, or purse.
$3.50 including postage
Texas residents add 8.25% for sales tax, which equals $3.79 each.
PDF = $2.00, tax included.
Homeschooling Only One
by Donna Conner
Ask for an autographed copy!
I’ll be happy to oblige.
You may have only one child due to family size, or your older children have flown the nest and you only have one fledgling left. Or you may be new to homeschooling and are not at your “final” family size, homeschooling your firstborn. You may have another child in public or private school. Whatever the circumstances of your homeschooling journey, I hope my book can encourage you along the way.
This book is awesome and full of information! I wish I would have had access to a book like this when I first started homeschooling my only son. This book is good for anyone homeschooling an only child, or even multiple children. The references are truly a treasure for anyone homeschooling.
“…fits an often overlooked niche in the homeschooling world.”
Mary Hood
I just finished this great little book called Homeschooling Only One by Donna Conner! I felt that Donna was talking “to me” in many instances in the book. I found it to be honest, open, and informative. It is also packed full of references.
The article below was written for the June 2004 edition of “Homeschool Reviews For You” Newsletter, by Editor Cindy Prechtel. Her website: provides “Free reviews of homeschool resources — books, curriculum, software and more! Each issue features informative product reviews.”
When I heard about Donna Conner’s new book, Homeschooling Only One, I immediately wrote requesting a copy to review for this newsletter. A book like this has been needed in the homeschool community for a long time, and I was anxious to read what this experienced homeschool mom of an “only” had to share. Although I am raising two children, I found plenty of practical wisdom and encouragement for my own homeschool journey. What I also gained was an appreciation for the unique challenges and blessings of homeschooling an “Only”.
Whether you are new to homeschooling or are a seasoned veteran, Homeschooling Only One is sure to be a helpful addition to your bookshelf. It is full of ideas and recommendations for those teaching/raising an “Only”. Donna begins her book by introducing herself and telling of her journey to homeschooling an only child. She also reminds us that there are many reasons families are homeschooling an “only.” Homeschooling Only One was written with all situations in mind! Some of the topics covered include homeschool basics, an overview of homeschool methods and how they “work” when used to teach an only child, tips for day-to-day living, the importance of support groups, and a helpful appendix with a myriad of suggested books, curriculums and periodicals. My favorite part of Homeschooling Only One is Donna’s year-by-year recap of their journey, including a listing of resources she found the most helpful during each year/stage of her son’s learning.
Homeschooling Only One is really an enjoyable book to read. Donna has a very personable writing style, making one feel as if she’s sitting across the table chatting with you. Those with an “only” and those of us who are homeschooling multiple children can all benefit from this practical, encouraging book!
Making the grade: A
Value for your homeschool dollar: 10
About the rating system: The grade given is just like you used to get in school. The value for your homeschool dollar rating is a scale of 1 – 10 with “10” being lots of bang for your homeschool buck!

Base Price: $8.00 plus $3.00 Shipping & Handling
Texas Residents Pay $11.66 (8.25% sales tax added)
$11.00 total for those Outside of Texas (within the U.S.A.)
Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.
(Usually ships MUCH faster.)
Order two books and the Shipping & Handling is still $3,
for a total of $19 for those outside of Texas.
Texas residents add tax, please. Please contact me if you plan on ordering more than one book at a time to make sure I fill your order correctly. Also, if you order more than 2 books, please contact me so I may calculate the best S&H price for you.
AUDIO BOOK coming soon! Stay Tuned!!
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Please continue scrolling down for further information. Thank you!

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donna (at) donna c (dot) com
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Refund/Return policy covers only books that are damaged from shipping
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Contact me if you have any questions.
If you choose to not use PayPal, please make out checks & send to:
Donna Conner
2256 College Avenue
Fort Worth, Texas 76110-1952
Include both your postal & email addresses, please!
Donations are accepted.
If anyone would like to be part of helping to save & restore an historic old house, you can designate “for the house” on your donation. The “Leach House” was occupied in 1887, according to the Abstract, so probably was built either that year or the year or two before. Any questions? Contact me! Choose “Other” for your Subject on the form.
There are plans to have a page to show our progress soon. I hope to plan something special for any who choose to help us. We’re desperately trying not to go further into debt and after 30 years, frankly, I’m tired of living in one room upstairs (in essence). Thank you.